Privacy Policy

Whitehall and Whitehall Resources refers to the global organisation which includes Whitehall Resources Ltd, Whitehall Resources GmbH and Whitehall Resources FZ-LLC and all our branch offices and our subsidiary companies as defined by s.1159 Companies Act 2006) or associated bodies corporate (as defined by s.256 Companies Act 2006) (throughout also referred to as “we”, “us, “our”, “ours).

Whitehall Resources takes your privacy seriously. Please read this Privacy policy and our Cookies policy. Together they explain our data protection policy and describe how we’ll use any personal data we collect from you or that you provide to us.

All activity on our websites is anonymously logged and monitored to help keep personal information secure and to ensure that Whitehall Resources complies with its obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 (the DPA) and the General Data Protection Regulations.

Information we collect about you or that you provide to us:

In order to access your suitability to vacancies with Whitehall Resources, we will obtain personal information from you for the purposes of the recruitment process. This information will ordinarily be given to us by you during the application process. However, we may request further information from you that is relevant to us making an assessment of your suitability.

In cases where we ask you for information that is considered as being under the GDPR definition of ‘special categories of personal data’, your consent will be sought in order for us to obtain and store your data. Special categories of personal data will only be sought where there is a legal basis for doing so.

How do we collect your personal data?

Personal data that you the ‘candidate’ give to us via the following methods;

  • When you visit the career sites and apply to one of our vacancies (to be an employee of Whitehall Resources).
  • When you send us your CV via the career sites to apply for one of our vacancies or register your interest speculatively for other opportunities.
  • When you apply to a vacancy to work for us via a third party including job board websites.

Personal data we receive or may collect from other sources:

We may receive or collect personal data about you from other sources. Depending on the relevant circumstances and applicable local laws and requirements, these may include personal data received in the following situations:

  • We may obtain information about you from searching third party sources such as LinkedIn and other job sites and CV databases whereby we have agreed to any necessary Terms and Conditions in place with that third party.
  • Information may be sent to us by third party sources when you register as a job seeker on job boards and we are notified of your registration via an email alert with access to your CV.
  • Where you like our page on Facebook or ‘follow’ us on Twitter we may receive personal information from those sites.
  • If you are being represented by a Rec2Rec agency as a candidate for Whitehall Resources, they may share information about you to us in accordance with their own privacy policy.
  • Where you have been referred to us via your own connections, we may receive personal information about you from the referrer.

Throughout the course of the recruitment process, we may collect and store the following information from you. This information will have mainly been provided by you via your CV and/or other communication and thereby given freely. It may have been sourced via a third party as detailed earlier in this statement. Additional information may be sought from you if it be deemed useful for us in assessing your suitability for a position with Whitehall Resources. Examples of the information we hold may include:

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • Education details
  • Employment History
  • Referee details
  • Salary information
  • Proof of eligibility to work
  • Information about your interests

Our principles

  • We’ll only collect and use your information where we have lawful grounds and legitimate business reasons to do so
  • We’ll be transparent in our dealings with you and tell you how we’ll collect and use your information
  • If we collect your information for a particular purpose we’ll only use it for that purpose, unless you’ve been otherwise informed and given your permission where relevant
  • We won’t ask for more information than we need for the purposes for which we’re collecting it
  • We’ll update our records when you tell us that your details have changed
  • We’ll periodically review your personal information to ensure we don’t keep it for longer than is necessary
  • We’ll ensure that your information is securely disposed of at the end of the appropriate retention period
  • We’ll observe your rights under applicable privacy and data protection laws and will ensure that queries relating to privacy issues are dealt with promptly and transparently
  • We’ll train our staff on their privacy obligations
  • We’ll ensure we have appropriate physical and technological security measures to protect your information regardless of where it’s held

How we’ll use your information

The personal data we hold on you, whether personal or in some cases, special category of data, will be stored, processed, used and disclosed by us in the following ways:

  • To assess data about you against vacancies where we believe you hold the relevant skills and experience
  • To send your information (including CV) to our internal employees who are involved in the recruitment process.
  • To keep you updated with information about Whitehall Resources and job opportunities with us
  • To answer your questions and enquiries
  • To carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us

From time to time we may seek your consent to process, use or disclose your information for any other purpose not listed above.

Changes to the policy

We may change our Privacy policy from time to time. If or when changes are made we’ll include them here, so be sure to check back occasionally.

How long we hold information about you

We will delete your personal data from our systems if we have not had any meaningful contact with you for two years (or for a longer period if we believe in good faith that the law or relevant regulators require us to preserve your data). After this period, your data will no longer be held. However, your details may be sourced again after this date via third party sources as per previously detailed in this document.

How can you access, correct your information and withdraw consent?

You’re able to correct the information we hold about you as follows:

  • To make corrections to the data we hold about you, please contact
  • You may make a request to access your personally identifiable information that’s held by us and maintained in our database. To do this you need to email your request to
  • From 25 May 2018, depending on the circumstances, you may also have the right to:
  • Request erasure of personal information we hold about you
  • Request restriction of processing of such information
  • Object to the processing of such information
  • Request a copy of such information in a portable format

If you have concerns about the way we handle your personal data, you can contact the ICO or raise a complaint.

Security and safe storage of your personal information

Data we hold about you will be stored on our computer systems. We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect from you.

Once we’ve received your information, we’ll use appropriate procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.